You Don’t Have to Give Up If There Are Signs of Hope

You have broken up with a woman you were involved with for a while and that is something that you regret.  You would like to be able to see if it is possible to try and work things out with her,  but a part of you feels like it would be better to just give up for now.  I understand that despair that you are feeling.  Of course,  I’d like to remind you that as long as there are signs of hope,  you don’t have to throw in the towel.  Not if you don’t want to.

Hear me out,  here.  You do have to see REAL signs that there is hope there.  You can’t make them up just because you want to have things work out.  If she is clearly not interested in you,  then it would be best for you to forget about the idea of working things out.  That may not be the best possibility that you were hoping for,  but it is the way that it is and you just have to deal with it.

What are some signs of hope that you may be able to work things out with her?

a)  She still talks about working things out with you.

Of course,  this is a pretty obvious sign that things could work out in your favor.  If you hear her say things that allude to the idea of you and her getting back with one another,  I’d say that you should have some hope that you can work things out.

b)  You know that she is still single.

This is not a clear cut sign,  but it should give you some hope.  I mean,  as long as she isn’t on her way to getting married to someone or in a relationship right now,  the window of opportunity might be there for you to take it.  It all depends on many things.  You might be able to make her fall in love again,  you might not be able to.

c)  She’s cool with the idea of you and her hanging out.

When a woman is totally done with a guy,  that usually means that she won’t hang out with him at all.  If she is still cool with the idea of you and her hanging out once in a while,  then I’d say that there might be something to that.  Of course,  she may just want to remain friends,  but you never know.

You may want to find out what a good way to approach your ex girlfriend would be.  Read this post here: because I think that it gives a pretty good outline of what you need to do.

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