You Can Put Too Much Thought Into Why It Happened

Usually it is good to be one of those guys who looks at things and tries to figure out what it is that went down if he doesn’t get the results that he wants in a particular situation.  That kind of analysis can help you figure out what you might be able to do differently the next time around.  On the other hand,  there are some situations where you really can end up putting in way too much thought into why something happened and you can end up confusing yourself a little bit.  The more confusion that you feel,  the more likely it is that you are going to end up not realizing what you need to do differently the next time around.

Let’s look at a particular situation:

You approach a woman who is at a bar.  She is attractive and you like her and you want to be able to get to the point where you can possibly pick her up and get a date with her.  However,  no matter what you try,  you don’t seem to be able to get her attention and you don’t end up getting that date with her.  So,  you go back and try to analyze things a bit.  And in your analysis,  you try to get a clear picture on why it happened.  However,  since she really didn’t give you much attention at all,  you really don’t have much to work with.  There is a good chance that you are going to end up coming to a false conclusion on what went down and if you were to try and make changes in what you do the next time,  you might find that you don’t get anywhere at all.

The point is,  you really can think about things a little bit too much.  You can mess your head up trying to figure out ALL of the particulars.  That is something that you clearly would not want to do.  I’d say in that situation,  it’d be better to chalk it up as just something that happened that you may not really be able to learn from.  There are situations like that and if you waste your time trying to figure things out,  all you are going to end up doing is wasting your time.

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